switching up the training routine tonight for some time hanging out in the boxing ring. kind of a rough way to go about things, i know-but that's it, that's what i've got this day: you know you can't enter the ring without sizing up the competition, who seems like a lightweight, until you notice all that she carries in resentment and might have beens. Ding. Bring it in with the first punch of failure. There it is the right hook of self doubt, with a double dose of jealous thoughts. oh, her...that's what we are here for, the one who should have it all together. Be sure to pull out all those not good enoughs...oh, yeah. Ughh, that deep jab of overindulgence to the gut is gonna hurt for a while. maybe it's time to sit this one out for a spell. oh wait, here comes some pride you can muster up, to push her back into the corner, don't let yourself lose control, completely...see, that doesn't feel so bad, she needs to know you have some gumption to work with, before you come back for the next round-because there is always another round with this one. the water is refreshing, and the ointment seems to hurt worse than the pain of the open wounds, isn't that the truth, which usually stings worse knowing the infliction comes from the only true competitor who can match the self, dead on. no time for truth, gotta, get back in the ring and pound this out, it's only gonna surface harder and stronger the next time if, she is given the victory...again? listen, you are being called back into the corner? - take a break, let your heart be tended to, you heard it, didn't you? when she whispered in your ear TRUTH, take a moment to hear. See there, you might just be ready to give in the towel of needing to know, and win the victory when you choose to take the gloves off, sister.

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